

Displaying 1381 - 1400 of 1717

How can I change one single colour on Mac OS X screen (similar to invert colours)?

I've read some guys have done a trick editing this file, but I'm not a guru.

defaults write \
(DisplayUseInvertedPolarity -bool YES)

  • osx
  • graphics
  • colors
  • accessibility

AsTeRICS Camera Mouse Model Creation - Step by Step

Explains how to create a mouse input emulation by creating a camera mouse solution (model) with AsTeRICS in a step by step tutorial.

AsTeRICS User Manual

The user manual for the Assistive Technology Rapid Integration & Construction Set, gives an overview of what you can do with AsTeRICS and explains how to create models.

AsTeRICS logo

AsTeRICS Plugin Development - Step by Step

This tutorial explains how to write a new plugin for AsTeRICS in a step by step guide.


by jscholes

Prototype of an accessible control interface for Spotify on Windows

How to test GUI for color blind person? [closed]

Is there a way to test if a GUI is usable for color blind person?

  • user-interface
  • usability
  • accessibility
  • color-blindness

VoiceOver and Scrolling in OpenGL backed UIViews

I am looking for advice on how to make a scrollable list drawn with OpenGL into a CAEAGLLayer backed UIViews accessible with VoiceOver.

  • ios
  • objective-c
  • accessibility
  • voiceover
  • uiaccessibility

aria-live on textarea not working with JAWS

I am using html textarea to simulate a command prompt. On typing a command command (e.g. ipconfig) and hitting Enter key, the command output gets appended to to the text.

  • textarea
  • accessibility
  • jaws-screen-reader
  • nvda
  • aria-live

Running Google Accessibility Test Framework on Android

I'm trying to create an Accessibility scanner android app something like

  • android
  • automated-tests
  • accessibility
  • android-espresso

Learn more about physical disabilities.

Learn more about digital literacy and digital skills.

Learn more about differences between deaf and hard of hearing, and the currently used levels of deafness.

Learn more about cognitive disabilities, medical conditions and examples of what people with intellectual or cognitive deficits experience in everyday life.

How do I prevent or capture an accessibility action on a view?

I have a fragment that appears over the bottom half of a full screen webview to display glossary and footnote items that are clicked on in the webview.

  • android
  • accessibility

NVDA Firefox Reads Invalid Entry React

I have an input implemented (with React) with Aria tags to dynamically say whether or not the field is valid. When the field looks as below it reads invalid entry despite the aria-tag.

  • javascript
  • reactjs
  • accessibility
  • nvda

What are differences between NVDA and Jaws screen readers?

Could some one please help with differences between those two screen readers? As I was faced with one issue while testing the accessibility using them.

  • accessibility
  • jaws-screen-reader
  • nvda

Teaching coding to a blind high school student

I have a class of AP CSP and AP CSA at the high school level.

  • accessibility
  • blind

Blur effect in iOS which ignores accessibilty ("reduce transparency" option)?

I have a blurred view which overlays other views.

  • ios
  • objective-c
  • swift
  • accessibility
  • uivisualeffectview