This listing is a compilation of both questions asked in-site and questions related to accessibility themes gathered from different sources (stackoverflow, UX Stack Exchange).

Displaying 1 - 20 of 55 questions

Clean and accesible Other option (Check box and text box)


When I have a set of either check boxes or radio buttons I often need to have an Other choice.

  • javascript
  • html
  • forms
  • accessibility

Android Talkback not registering onFocus for web. How do I manipulate accessibility focus with Android Talkback?


As the title says, Android Talkback is not registering the onFocus event.

  • javascript
  • android
  • reactjs
  • accessibility
  • talkback

Accessibility: d3 brush/zoom can get focus and be controlled with keyboard


Any hints how to control d3 brush/zoom with keyboard:
1. Ability to focus on brush control
2. Ability to change brush area using keyboard

Is it supported out of the box?

  • javascript
  • d3.js
  • SVG
  • accessibility

How to tell screenreader to read a toggled element


Instead of adding/removing my different sections to/from the DOM, I'm only hiding them with aria-hidden="true", and unhiding them if certain <a> toggles are clicked.

  • javascript
  • html
  • toggle
  • accessibility
  • wai-aria

IE 11 loses tabindex on blur


When I trigger a blur event on an input, button or select element chrome and firefox keep the current tabindex.

  • javascript
  • internet-explorer
  • accessibility
  • internet-explorer-11
  • tabindex

Different accessibility of method based on how it is declared


Refreshing my Javascript knowledge here so I know this is the basics of the language. In my example I can see what is happening, I just can't put into words the reason why.

  • javascript
  • oop
  • methods
  • accessibility

WAI-ARIA Roles for Carousels (a.k.a. sliders, slideshows, galleries)


What WAI-ARIA roles(link is external) should be used for carousels, like the one below?


  • javascript
  • html
  • accessibility
  • wai-aria

Screen readers and Javascript


I'm creating a website for a reading service for the blind and visually impaired(link is external) and I'm using JavaScript (with jQuery) to print some stuff to some of the pages

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • accessibility
  • screen-readers
  • jaws-screen-reader

How to prevent Voice Over from reading unaffiliated HTML text (next div)?


I have an issue where drilling down into a text field with Control+Option+Shift+Down ends up reading more than what's currently inside of the text field.

  • javascript
  • html
  • osx
  • accessibility
  • wai-aria

react-day-picker: change arial-label attribute


The current aria-label format for the react-day-picker is

aria-label="Sun Oct 29 2017"

but how to change it to different format like

  • javascript
  • accessibility
  • react-day-picker

Can I conditionally adjust list item height in React Native based on a user's accessibility setting?

I'm working on a React Native app that uses FlatList to render rows of data. Each row contains an icon on the left and an item title and description on the right.

  • javascript
  • css
  • layout
  • react-native
  • accessibility

NVDA screen reader not reading and getting focus within role="dialog"

The Below mentioned code reflects a 'Dialog' on the screen. I am using the NVDA screen Reader to read the screen. When a Dialog box is opened, the focus should go to close dialog button.

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • html
  • accessibility
  • nvda

Why use divs over tables for a TABLE?

This question at face value is a duplicate of: Divs vs tables for tabular data(link is external)

  • javascript
  • html
  • html5
  • reactjs
  • accessibility

Blinking text for screen reader

I am now making my website readable by screen readers.

  • javascript
  • html
  • css
  • accessibility

Jaws does not read the anchor tag text change when clicking on enter in IE


I have an anchor tag in my code like this.

  • javascript
  • internet-explorer
  • accessibility
  • jaws-screen-reader

Angular 4 Skip Links

Working on making an angular project accessible. Page has a frame like this: where each element is a component.

  • javascript
  • angular
  • focus
  • accessibility

How to display a list of links as a drop down select?


I want to display a list of links like a drop down select, without losing the semantic if possible. Here's what I tried. The CSS obviously does not work now.

  • javascript
  • html
  • css
  • accessibility
  • semantic-markup

How do I detect and control the "location" of focus on a page without directly adding focus to an element?

When you first load a web page, then press "Tab", document.activeElement will be the <body> tag and nothing on the page will have focus (i.e.

  • javascript
  • html
  • focus
  • accessibility
  • tabindex

Multiple SVGs with filters breaking accessibility

I have a page with four dynamically created SVGs

In order to add a drop-shadow to my elements, we have created a filter and set

  • javascript
  • SVG
  • accessibility

IE issue: wrong tab focus


I have a link at the very top of the page called "Skip Navigation", that appears on the screen every time user presses Tab, and if he presses Enter while "Skip Navigation" is in focus, it takes him

  • javascript
  • html
  • css
  • internet-explorer
  • accessibility