This QuickSheet provides a summary of key documents that can aid in gaining a better understanding of accessibility strategies for Cognitive, Language and Learning Disabilities
I am using Lighthouse to perform some assessment of an Angular/Node/ionic mobile app. I am achieving 81% - 94% scores. However, I don't know the score is computed.
AsTeRICS based edition for occupational therapy. It will contain parametrizable models for environmental control, game accessibility and other use cases with easy configurator user interfaces.
I have a Burger Menu Button which is selectable via TAB. When I click on it and the menu opens up the burger has this blue outline to make it clear that it is focused.
in a web page, I am trying to open an overlay with the help of ng-click and there is no href available for this with the help of java script, respective overlay is being called.
I have a div element (which has another div inside it) which currently has role="button".
This element is under the body, and this creates a violation when
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