S-pot–a benchmark in spotting signs within continuous signing
V. Viitaniemi, T. Jantunen, L. Savolainen, M. Karppa, J. Laaksonen
A dataset of video streams of Finnish sign language lexemes from Suvi dictionary is collected Videos of Finnish signers are collected while signing sentences and words
A dataset of 3D video streams of Swiss German sign language signers is collected and annotated. 40 Swiss German sign language signers signed 105 lexemes were captured using multiple color cameras and a 3D kinect depth sensor.
2018 40
Sign languageSwiss German Sign LanguageSwiss German
Experimental Stimuli and Questions for Evaluating Facial Expressions in Animations of American Sign Language
H. Kacorri, M. Huenerfauth
ASL multi-sentence passages were collected and corresponding comprehension questions were engineered to evaluate the perception and understanding of information conveyed by the facial expressions in ASL animations or videos. Stimulus passages are performed by a male signer, then compresension questions are asked to annotaters who answer questionnaires.
Data is collected to build a system that can learn to recognize sign language automatically. ASLmotion-capture data, with video recordings and annotations for passages by native signers were collected.
Dysarthric speech database for universal access research
H. Kim, M. Hasegawa-Johnson, A. Perlman, J. Gunderson, T. Huang, K. Watkin, S. Frame
This dataset is collected to enhance research into speech recognition systems for dysarthic speech. Participants read a variety of words, like digits, letters, computer commands, common words, and uncommon words from porject Gutenberg novels.
The Whitaker database of dysarthric (cerebral palsy) speech
J. R. Deller, M. S. Liu, L. J. Ferrier, P. Robichaud
This dataset is collected to enhance research into speech recognition systems for dysarthic speech. It consists of 19275 isolated‐word utterances of speakers with dysarthria due to cerebral palsy. Participants read the TI-46 word list and Grandfather word list. It is created in an effort to provide a standard collection of speech which may be used internationally for the development of recognition technology and in studies of speech perception or articulation.
BosphorusSign: A Turkish Sign Language Recognition Corpus in Health and Finance Domains
N. Camgöz, A. Kındıroğlu, S. Karabüklü, M. Kelepir, A. Özsoy, L. Akarun
A dataset of 3D video streams of Turkish sign language for health, finance and everyday activities is collected. A kinect sensor is used to collect 3D video of 855 words and sentences in Turkish sign language.
Benchmarking human motion analysis using kinect one: An open source dataset
D. Leightley, M. Yap, J. Coulson, Y. Barnouin, Jamie S. McPhee
This work aims to develop automated systems to detect human motion for applications associated with healthcare through microsoft kinect one sensor Participants asked to do tasks in front of Microsoft Kinect Sensor kept at a height of .7m
An application to remap one or more physical sticks to a virtual stick, with modifications such as axis inversion, deadzones, sensitivity etc. Uses the vJoy virtual joystick library.
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