In some of Apple's apps like Photos in iOS 11 if you hold down on a tab bar icon while your phone is in landscape and you have the larger accessibility size Dynamic Text turned on a large preview o
There are a number of standards that can be considered, depending on whether you are creating a static or dynamic web site, an authoring tool, or perhaps even a PDF document.
You make the web more inclusive for everyone, everywhere, when you design with accessibility in mind. Let Laura Kalbag guide you through the accessibility landscape: understand disability and impairment challenges; get a handle on important laws and guidelines; and learn how to plan for, evaluate, and test accessible design. Leverage tools and techniques like clear copywriting, well-structured IA, meaningful HTML, and thoughtful design, to create a solid set of best practices.
Below, the code is given for menu. It is having Home Link, Category Bar with Dropdown link and sub-dropdown links. How to make this code accessible with keyboard/tab key?
I have a form with 10 fields. By changing the checkbox changes the select and text input values and those form fields will be disabled. How can we achieve this for screen readers using ARIA?
Hello I am reviewing the accessibility of a website and have noticed heading tags being used for off screen text that would only be read by a screen reader.
I've stuggled to find an answer to this problem, I would like to add controls to HTML5 background video, so that users can at least choose to pause the video for accessibility reasons.
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