
Displaying 341 - 360 of 1717

Easy Return: An App for Indoor Backtracking Assistance

G. Flores, R. Muchi

A mobile app that lets people with visual impairments backtrack their steps for indoor navigation. Participants would walk in a simulated indoor environment of varying lengths, while wearing different intertial sensors and apple watch.
Indoor NavigationBacktracking Assistance

GSL 20

H. Cooper, E. Ong, N. Pugeault, R. Bowden

A 3D video dataset is collected to explore sign language recognition using linguistic subunits. Each participant performed 20 signs 5 times, this was recorded using 3D Kinect sensors and the skeleton tracking data was collected.
Sign languageGerman sign language

The DesPho-APaDy Project

C. Fougeron, L. Crevier-Buchman, C. Fredouille, A. Ghio, C. Meunier, C. Chevrie-Muller, N. Audibert, J.-F. Bonastre, A. Colazo Simon, C. Delooze, D. Duez, C. Gendrot, T. Legou, N. Levèque, C. Pillot-Loiseau, S. Pinto, G. Pouchoulin, D. Robert, J. Vaissier

Provide a systematic and quantified description of French dysarthric speech, over a large population of patients and three dysarthria types (related to the parkinson's disease, the Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis disease, and a pure cerebellar alteration). This dataset is made up of two corpus, Aix-Neurology-Hospital corpus and CCM corpus. Patients were recorded while going through a variety of speech tasks like counting, storytelling, word lists, syllables, vowels, spontaneus speech and sentence lists.
Parkinson's diseaseDysarthriaFrench

A Corpus of Text Data and Gaze Fixations from Autistic and Non-autistic Adults

V. Yaneva, I. Temnikova, R. Mitkov

This work creates a corpus of text data and its corresponding gaze fixations obtained from autistic and non-autistic readers so as to create a resource for investigating the particular linguistic constructions which pose reading difficulties for people with autism. Participants were asked to read 9 texts and answer 3 multiple choice questions (MCQs) per text. While reading, the eye movements of the participants were recorded with an eye-tracking device.
Autism Spectrum DisordersReadingEye tracking


H. Zhang, G. Guo, C. Song, C. Xu, K. Cheung, J. Alexis, H. Li, D. Li, K. Wang, W. Xu

PDLens, a smartphone-based system, extracts digital behavioral markers related to PD drug responses from everyday activities to detect drug efectiveness. Digital PD biomarkers were collected from three everyday activities, i.e., walking, standing, and talking and drug effectiveness was detected by measuring the symptom severity before and after drug intake.
Parkinson's disease

On the Use of a Serious Game for Recording a Speech Corpus of People with Intellectual Disabilities

M. Corrales-Astorgano, D. Mancebo, Y. Gutiérrez-González, V. Flores-Lucas, C. Ferreras, V. Cardeñoso-Payo

A speech corpus focused on prosody of individuals with intellectual disability/ Recording of speech while playing a game was collected.
Intellectual DisabilityIntellectual and Developmental DisabilityDown's Syndrome

Diagnosing People with Dementia Using Automatic Conversation Analysis

B. Mirheidari, D. Blackburn, M. Reuber, T. Walker, H. Christensen

Apply conversation analysis (CA) to doctor-patient interactions and find characteristics that could be used to distinguish between patients with neurodegenerative dementia (ND) and patients with Functional Memory Disorder (FMD) (not dementia-related) Audio recordings of conversations were collected, transcribed and 21 features were extracted from them that could potentially differentiate between patients with neurogenerative disorders and functional memory disorders.
Functional Memory DisorderDementia

A neural network system for diagnosis and assessment of tremor in parkinson disease patients

O. Bazgir, J. Frounchi

Smartphone sensors are used to classify tremors in Parkinson's patients corellated with the UPDRS scale. Participants wore smartphone based gloves and data during tremors was collected, data from 43 participants was collected for training the neural network classifier and another 9 participants produced the testing set.
Parkinson's disease

Dysarthric Speech Database for Development of QoLT Software Technology

D. Choi, B. Kim, Y. Kim, Y. Lee, Y. Um, M. Chung

This work collects a database of dysarthric speech. Speakers were recorded on reading words from phonology assessments and korean phonetic alphabets.

The design and field evaluation of PhotoTalk: a digital image communication application for people

M. Allen, J. McGrenere, B. Purves

This work aims to build an application for a mobile device that allows people with aphasia to independently capture and manage digital photographs to support face-to-face communication. Two participants took and labeled photographs of objects. They would reaarrange them and hence generate logs of user interaction.
AphasiaAugmentive and Alternative Communication

Automatic detection of Parkinson's disease in running speech spoken in three different languages.

J. Orozco-Arroyave, F. Hönig, J. Arias-Londoño, J. Vargas-Bonilla, K. Daqrouq, S. Skodda, J. Rusz, E. Nöth

The work investigates if a proposed model achieves a good performance in a cross lingual database. Six sentences are read, and a read text of 36 words is read in the three languages
Parkinson's disease

A Dutch Dysarthric Speech Database for Individualized Speech Therapy Research

E. Yılmaz, M. Ganzeboom, L. Beijer, C. Cucchiarini, H. Strik

A dutch dysarthic speech dataset is collected for future research Face to face speech therapy sessions are collected, with the text that they were asked to read aloud.
DysarthriaParkinson's diseaseBrain and Cerebrovascular Injury

Japan-Korea Joint Project on Monitoring People with Dementia

K. Makimoto, M. Yamakawa, N. Ashida, Y. Kang, K. Shin

This work uses a new Integrated Circuit tag (IC) monitoring system to compare the similarities and dissimilarities in movement patterns of institutionalized elders with dementia between Korea and Japan 13 residents in Japan and South Korea were monitored for 7 days with an embedded system that they wore.
DementiaInstitutionalized Older Patients

TheRuSLan: Database of Russian Sign Language

D. Ryumin, A. Axyonov, A. Karpov

A Russian sign language corpus is collected that focussed on a format, which used handshape, location, hand trajectory and hand orientation as the key features to be captured. Each sign was repeated to build a machine learning friendly dataset. Kinect 2.0 camera recorded the gestures was used to collect the corpus that was aligned and annotated afterwards.
Sign languageRussian Sign Language

Building French Sign Language Motion Capture Corpora for Signing Avatars

S. Gibet

A MoCap dataset of facial expressions and hand configurations for French sign language is collected and will be used for animating a signing avatar. Different words and verbs are collected with Motion Capture hardware worn by signers, 1 signer each for 3 datasets that focussed on different sets of words.
Sign languageFrench Sign Language

Data augmentation of wearable sensor data for parkinson’s disease monitoring using convolutional neural networks

T. Um, F. Pfister, D. Pichler, S. Endo, M. Lang, S. Hirche, U. Fietzek, D. Kulić

A dataset of daily living conditions from patients with Parkinson's disease is collected and various data augmentatin techiniques are applied to make the dataset more amenable to deep learning techinques. Microsoft wearable band accelerometer data of patients with Parkinson's disease is collected
Parkinson's disease

DGS Kinect 40

H. Cooper, E. Ong, N. Pugeault, R. Bowden

A 3D video dataset is collected to explore sign language recognition using linguistic subunits. Each participant performed 40 signs 5 times, this was recorded using 3D Kinect sensors and the skeleton tracking data was collected.
Sign languageGerman sign language

New Spanish speech corpus database for the analysis of people suffering from Parkinson’s disease

J.R. Orozco-Arroyave, J.D. Arias-Londono, J.F. Vargas-Bonilla, M.C. Gonzalez-Rativa, E. Noth

Characterization of vowels by native Spanish speaking patients with Parkinson's disease A protocol was followed, patients recorded sustained phonations of the vowels, diadochokinetic evaluation, 45 words, 10 sentences, a reading text and a monologue
Parkinson's diseasePhonationArticulation

Narrative skills in adolescents with a history of SLI in relation to non-verbal IQ scores

D. Wetherell, N. Botting, G. Conti-Ramsden

Qualitative differences in verbal activities of children with verbal impairments are ascertained. Audio collected during recitation of two stories was transcribed. Only 8 of 19 adolescents had verbal IQ's below 85. More features on narrative ability were extracted as well.
Verbal impairment

Identifying dyslectic gaze pattern

J. Lustig

A machine learning model for identifying dyslexia is collected Students were asked to read from a set of text documents while eye tracking data was collected
dyslexiaEye tracking