

Web Accessibility Checker

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The easiest way to perform accessibility checks
on any ASP.NET web application. Fully customizable
and support all the major international accessibility standards.


  • Uses Browser Link to test the running website
  • Tests the actual DOM
  • Integrates with the Visual Studio error list
  • Supports the Web Essentials Chrome extension
  • Supported accessibility standards
    • WCAG Level A
    • WCAG Level AA
    • Section 508
    • Other best practices
  • All rules can be customzied per project/solution
  • Works with MVC, WebForms, Web Pages and ASP.NET Core projects

Connect with Browser Link

For this extension to work, make sure that Visual Studio's
Browser Link is up and running. Do that by running an
ASP.NET application from Visual Studio in one or more

Hovering over the Browser Link button on the Standard
toolbar lets you know if Browser Link is connected.

Browser Link Tooltip


The Browser Link dropdown menu hosts the Web Accessibility Checker
sub menu.

Dropdown menu

There are multiple command buttons in the menu.

Auto-Run on Page Load

This will automatically run the accessibility checker every
time a page loads in the browser - any browser.

Run Now in All Browsers...

In addition to auto-running the checker on page load, doing it
on demand can be helpful when you need to interact with the
page to get it into a state you want to check.

This is also a great way of running on demand only if you disable
Auto-Run on Page Load.

Specify Rules for Solution...

Clicking this command will add a configuration file to the

a11y config file

It's a JSON file containing all the rules being run. You can
customize it by adding and removing rules and there is full
Intellisense for all the rules.

Config Intellisense


Some global settings can be configured in the option dialog.

Options dialog

Accessibility rules

This extensions uses the axe-core
library to perform the accessibility analysis.

All rules are completely customizable and can follow the
project or solution.

See the full
list of rules

Error list

Errors found on the page will automatically populate the
Error List in Visual Studio.

Error List integration

In some cases it is known exactly where in the source code
the issue is and double-clicking the error take you straight
to the location.

To clear all accessbility errors from the Error List, simply
right-click and hit Clear All Accessibility Errors.

Error List context menu


Check out the contribution guidelines
if you want to contribute to this project.

For cloning and building this project yourself, make sure
to install the
Extensibility Tools 2015
extension for Visual Studio which enables some features
used by this project.


Apache 2.0




