Une étude de l'accessibilité des principales bibliothèques JavaScript a donné lieu à un état des lieux du niveau d'accessibilité des différents composants actuels
An Android Library that offers a mechanism for easily adding vibration feedback to Android applications. This module is developed within the premises of the Prosperity4All FP7 project.
Web services for clustering large numbers of social networks’ data based on their common features. This module is developed within the premises of the Prosperity4All FP7 project. http://www.prosperity4all.eu/
A module for clustering large numbers of social networks’ data based on their common features. This module is developed within the premises of the Prosperity4All FP7 project. http://www.prosperity4all.eu/
A Server-Client implementation for Stress Detection using the C++ casablanca cpprest SDK. This module is developed within the premises of the Prosperity4All FP7 project. http://www.prosperity4all.eu/
Web services that detect falls and train an Artificial Neural Network. This module is developed within the premises of the Prosperity4All FP7 project. http://www.prosperity4all.eu/
A C++ module for stress detection using Emphatical Sensors. This module is developed within the premises of the Prosperity4All FP7 project. http://www.prosperity4all.eu/
FaceMouse is an application that allows you to move the screen cursor with your head, aimed to people with psychomotor disabilities. Here you will find the source code of the app as shown on www.vostlink.com