a collection of functions that measure the readability of a given body of text
Speech and Vision Based Intelligent Personal Assistant
:microphone: Sample Node.js Application for the IBM Watson Speech to Text Service
Various styled accessible form controls
Closed Caption Decoding for video files with visible closed caption data
Text-to-Speech in JavaScript using eSpeak
A command line tool that converts subtitle files from SubRib (.srt) format to WebVTT (.vtt) format
TextTeaser is an automatic summarization algorithm.
A simple but effective command-line tool for generating thumbnails of a video, and corresponding VTT file, for use within JW Player to allow for toolbar video preview.
Pure Java speech recognition library
Javascript Text to speech library
React Announcer for Screen Reader Accessibility
Readability clone in Java
Accessible combobox
Speech recognition toolkit for the arduino
Accessibility audit tooling for the web (beta)
python script to convert all vtt files in a directory and all of its subdirectories to srt subtitle format
Port of arc90's readability project to Ruby
Accessibility Showcase Videos
Readability is Elixir library for extracting and curating articles.