ICCHP- 16th International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs
Tuesday, July 10, 2018 - 17:00 to Friday, July 13, 2018 - 16:45
Linz, Austria

The 16th biennial International Conference on Computers Helping People with Special Needs (ICCHP) will be held on July 11-13, 2018 again in Linz, Austria, its place of origin and location of the core organizing team. ICCHP provides an interdisciplinary platform and scientific forum including all sorts of stakeholders. It is remarkable that all proceedings published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) and made available online since 2006 have reached more than 100.000 (some almost 200.000) downloads of articles. This makes ICCHP a well-recognized reference for our growing and expanding field.