Normally, VoiceOver correctly reads web contents loaded with WKWebView and it is possible to read buttons and links.
I'm trying to make use of Accesibility API in Swift, to register for notifications of window properties of the current frontmost app.
I'm encountering something bizarre in which a page with a form and fairly minimal layout is read correctly by JAWS 16 and 18 in IE11 on initial load.
Any hints how to control d3 brush/zoom with keyboard: 1. Ability to focus on brush control 2. Ability to change brush area using keyboard
Is it supported out of the box?
Sorry for the question but I cannot figure it out after searching for a day. I have an iPad, using safari and VoiceOver off, with a wireless keyboard.
I was working on a mobile project and I faced a problem. How do i show if there are two different action on a single object in mobile.
My question is similar to Should inline validation check emp
I'm using Appium (Mobile App Automation for Testing) to test an iOS app.
Instead of adding/removing my different sections to/from the DOM, I'm only hiding them with aria-hidden="true", and unhiding them if certain <a> toggles are clicked.
In TableViewCell, I have custom imageview which act as a radio button. This imageview has two states