

How to open new window in other screen with specific location in Javascript?

The problem is that I want to use Javascript to manage a group of 20+ windows and most of them locate in different screens (up to 9).

  • javascript
  • html
  • web
  • screen
  • accessibility

Why is it suggested to add a link to a video instead of embedding one for ADA compliance?

I've seen on many suggestions lists for ADA compliance that videos be linked instead of embedded (like here:

  • video
  • accessibility
  • video-embedding

Mapping arrow keys to scrollwheel function?

I am running a slideshow on a client site. The slideshow animates each slide, and relies SOLELY on the scrollwheel of the mouse although it also 'swipes' when in touchscreen devices.

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • html
  • accessibility
  • scrollwheel

Cannot get ActionBar to take accessibility focus first when using windowActionBarOverlay=true

I've got an app which uses <item name="android:windowActionBarOverlay">true</item>

  • android
  • android-actionbar
  • accessibility
  • android-styles
  • talkback

mvc5 autocomplete with accessability to ARIA rules

I have code for autocomplete that is based on jQuery autocomplete. I want to change the code so that it conforms to the accessibility rules.

  • jquery
  • autocomplete
  • accessibility
  • wai-aria

Take my web page focus to browser address bar using javascript / jquery

Desired behavior : When a Tabkey press happens on a particular dom element in a webPage I want my cursor focus to go to address bar.

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • html
  • keyboard-shortcuts
  • accessibility

Intra-page link starts at URL root

This is so simple I don't get how it could possibly go wrong. I'm trying to get a simple intra-page link to behave.

(If it's relevant, this is an angular 2 app, using routing.)

  • anchor
  • accessibility

VoiceOver won't read child menus in dropdown navigation

I'm testing with the latest version of iOS on the iPad.

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • ios
  • twitter-bootstrap
  • accessibility

`UIPanGestureRecognizer` not accessible to users who are using VoiceOver in iOS

The below code adds a UIPanGestureRecognizer to the whole view on screen.

  • ios
  • swift
  • accessibility
  • uipangesturerecognizer
  • voiceover