Displaying 1421 - 1440 of 1717


by shikhar394

Project files for the project VoiceHover presented, developed and winner of Assistive Tech Track at HackNYU 2017.


by eQualityTime

Communication Device without visual cues.


by enjoylife

A collection of aesthetically pleasing, accessible and customizable toggles build with React


by floryst

A switch-accessible tower defense implementation built with Unity.


by glazou

Resources of the "Accessible Web Mapping Apps: ARIA, WCAG and 508 Compliance" presentation given at the Esri Developer Summit 2016.


by dvandersluis

WCAG compliant balloon-style tooltip helper for Rails


by zone

A web app which provides succinct interpretations of the WCAG 2.0 spec with optional filters for priority level and discipline.


by TilsynForUniversellUtforming

Difis indikatorar for WCAG 2.0


by tariqkhan-co-uk

A fully accessible to WAI specification; tabs and accordion jQuery plugin. Makes use of ARIA and HTML data configuration.


by ThePacielloGroup

footnote custom element

Using Learn More, Click Here, buttons for ERP Web application [closed] (link is external)

I am working on an ERP Web App which doesn't need SEO.
In few instances, I may have to use Learn More / Click Here.

  • usability
  • user-research
  • accessibility

React-Native: How to make Talkback recognize Touchable components as interactive? (link is external)

I'm trying to make my React Native app accessible.

In native, when I have a Button, TalkBack says my content description, then the component type and then a hint like:

  • android
  • react-native
  • accessibility

What is the correct way to apply sr-only text to asp:LinkButtons that are variably visible? (link is external)

I am working to make my code more accessible for screen-readers and I have come across this situation and have been able to find no answer for it.

  • asp.net
  • accessibility
  • screen-readers
  • asplinkbutton


by P4ALLcerthiti

An Android Library that offers a mechanism for easily adding vibration feedback to Android applications. This module is developed within the premises of the Prosperity4All FP7 project.


by ProjPossibility

Making Meebo.com accessible to the blind or visually-impaired.


by ProjPossibility

To identify the color for a color blind.


by ProjPossibility

A Java application that will "read" colors for the color blind.


by ProjPossibility

A Firefox extension which tells the user if the visited website is usable to a variety of disabilities.