translate Spoken languages

Where speech output is provided as non-visual access to closed functionality, speech output shall be in the same human language as the displayed content provided, except:

a) for proper names, technical terms, words of indeterminate language, and words or phrases that have become part of the vernacular of the immediately surrounding text;

b) where the content is generated externally and not under the control of the ICT vendor, clause shall not be required to apply for languages not supported by the ICT's speech synthesizer;

c) for displayed languages that cannot be selected using non-visual access;

d) where the user explicitly selects a speech language that is different from the language of the displayed content.

Testing methods

Type of compliance Testing
  1. The speech output is provided as non-visual access to closed functionality.
  2. The speech output is not proper names, technical terms, words of indeterminate language, and words or phrases that have become part of the vernacular of the immediately surrounding text.
  3. The content is not generated externally and is under the control of the ICT vendor.
  4. The displayed languages can be selected using non-visual access.
  5. The user has not selected a speech language that is different from the language of the displayed content.
  1. Check that the speech output is in the same human language of the displayed content provided.
Result Pass: Check 1 is true
Fail: Check 1 is false

There is currently no content classified with this term.

Components that implement this clause


by Marak

TTS (text to speech) for node.js. send text from node.js to your speakers.