

How can I support assistive technologies in JavaFX 2.2?

The possibility of connection to JAWS and N

  • java
  • javafx
  • javafx-2
  • accessibility
  • java-access-bridge

Java: Where do I find sourcecode of WindowsAccessbridge?

I downloaded the Java JDK 7 source code from

  • java
  • c++
  • accessibility
  • java-access-bridge

Not receiving callbacks from the Java Access Bridge

I'm trying to use the Java Access Bridge to get information about Swing components from inside a C++ app. However, none of the callbacks I register ever get called.

  • java
  • c++
  • accessibility
  • java-access-bridge

What is the proper aria-label for a link that will open and play a video?

I have JS that will be handling videos and there are anchor tags with an icon in them on the page which, when clicked, will open a video.

  • html
  • accessibility

Screen reader not associating label with select

I have the following code for a select:

  • html
  • accessibility
  • html-select
  • screen-readers

How can I determine the order of HTML elements read by a screen reader?

Is it possible to determine the order of HTML elements read by a screen reader (like TalkBack or VoiceOver) regardless of their position in the DOM?

  • html
  • webview
  • accessibility
  • screen-readers

Getting Lots of ANR due to AccessibilityNodeInfo getChild


Getting lot of ANR reports,

  • java
  • android
  • google-play
  • accessibility
  • android-anr-dialog

CGWindowListCopyWindowInfo debugging, returns nil on some systems

I have two identical 10.13 boxes that I use to build a tool that uses the Accessibility API. The tool needs to get a list of open applications.

  • swift
  • accessibility
  • swift4
  • uiaccessibility
  • quartz

Visual tool to simulate screen reader use [closed]


I'm interested in making sure some of our sites are usable by people using screen readers.

  • accessibility
  • screen-reader