

IE issue: wrong tab focus


I have a link at the very top of the page called "Skip Navigation", that appears on the screen every time user presses Tab, and if he presses Enter while "Skip Navigation" is in focus, it takes him

  • javascript
  • html
  • css
  • internet-explorer
  • accessibility

How do I detect and control the "location" of focus on a page without directly adding focus to an element?

When you first load a web page, then press "Tab", document.activeElement will be the <body> tag and nothing on the page will have focus (i.e.

  • javascript
  • html
  • focus
  • accessibility
  • tabindex

Semantic input error message inside label

I'm using <label> to wrap an input such that its success and error messages can appear inside its label for association.

  • html
  • forms
  • accessibility
  • semantic-markup
  • wai-aria

Multiple SVGs with filters breaking accessibility

I have a page with four dynamically created SVGs

In order to add a drop-shadow to my elements, we have created a filter and set

  • javascript
  • SVG
  • accessibility

How do I automate a Java application with AutoHotkey?

I use a Java application at work. I need to send clicks to buttons and fill in textboxes. I would like these actions to happen in the background.

  • java
  • automation
  • accessibility
  • autohotkey

Remove styles from open SELECT elements in Chrome?

The current stable version of Chrome (v61) exhibits some undesirable behaviour with styled select elements.

  • css
  • forms
  • google-chrome
  • accessibility
  • usability

Highcharts "shared" tooltip gets ignored when tooltip is triggered via keyboard (thru accessibility module)

The Highcharts JS library has an accessibility module that allows you to activate the tooltip via your keyboard, but the "shared" option is ignored and a multi-point tooltip becomes a single point

  • javascript
  • highcharts
  • tooltip
  • accessibility

Looking for Accessibility App Example that announce the keyboard keys as iOS do [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

  • android
  • accessibility
  • keyboard-events

How to read letters instead of dots, using a Screen Reader, in password input? [closed]


I am working on a password strength checker and I was wondering if there is an ARIA and accessibility friendly way to make the screen reader to speak the letters when the input field has type="pass

  • accessibility
  • password
  • screen-reader

How can you tell if a user has TalkBack turned on?

I want to know if a user of the app currently has the narrator/TalkBack accessibility feature turned on.

  • android
  • accessibility
  • talkback