

jsx-a11y returning Form label must have associated control when there is an htmlFor

I have this component:

// @flow
import React, { Element } from 'react';
import styles from './Label.scss';
import cs from 'classnames';

  • reactjs
  • accessibility

Android Accessibility Service doesn't restart after crash


If my Android Accessibility Service crashes, the service is not restarted by the system until the phone restarts.Is this known? Do I have a method of restarting it if the system dosen't?

  • android
  • service
  • crash
  • accessibility

On-screen directions in UI: telling users to do the obvious


Should we include directions to a user in the UI content that tells them to do something that is visually obvious?

  • usability
  • interface
  • accessibility
  • content

Angular2 - give focus to button into a div hidden

I work on an Angular project where I try to implement a11y for each button and link which are tabbable.

  • angular
  • accessibility

Should TTY phone numbers be hyperlinked as normal numbers?

Most site developers know to use the tel: syntax for phone number links to enable easy mobile dialing:

  • html
  • hyperlink
  • accessibility

Are Quartz event services/event taps deprecated?

Event taps provide a way to create assistive technologies as described here:

  • objective-c
  • swift
  • osx
  • cocoa
  • accessibility

making focus invisible for radio buttons on click but focus should be visible on keyboard navigation

How do I make focus invisible for radio buttons only on click (focus should be visible through keyboard navigation)

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • css
  • angular
  • accessibility

How do I get a monospace font that respects acessibility settings


let bodyFontDescriptor = UIFontDescriptor
.preferredFontDescriptor(withTextStyle: UIFontTextStyle.body)

  • ios
  • swift
  • fonts
  • ios9
  • accessibility

Accessibilty for screen reader

How to make part of a div not visible for a screen reader using jquery?

  • javascript
  • jquery
  • accessibility