translate Receipts, tickets, and transactional outputs

Where ICT is closed to visual access and provides receipts, tickets or other outputs as a result of a self-service transaction, speech output shall be provided which shall include all information necessary to complete or verify the transaction. In the case of ticketing machines, printed copies of itineraries and maps shall not be required to be audible.


The speech output may be provided by any element of the total ICT system.

Testing methods

Type of compliance Testing
  1. The ICT is closed to visual access.
  2. The ICT provides receipts, tickets, or other outputs as a result of a self-service transaction.
  3. The information being checked is not printed copies of itineraries and maps.
  1. Check that speech output is provided which includes all information necessary to complete or verify the transaction.
Result  Pass: Check 1 is true
 Fail: Check 1 is false

There is currently no content classified with this term.

Components that implement this clause


by twist900

A map providing accessability info for people with disabilities. Implemented with React Native.