
5.2. Activation of accessibility features

Where ICT has documented accessibility features, it shall be possible to activate those documented accessibility features that are required to meet a specific need without relying on a method that does not support that need.

Testing methods

Type of compliance Inspection
  1. The ICT has documented accessibility features to meet a specific need.
  1. Check that it is possible to activate those accessibility features without relying on a method that does not support that need.
Result Pass: Check 1 is true
Fail: Check 1 is false

There is currently no content classified with this term.

Components that implement this clause


by ranbuch

add accessibility to your website


by nfreear

Plugin to integrate accessibility fixes from Accessify Wiki into your WordPress site.


by ibm-js

Multichannel (desktop/mobile) UI Custom Elements Library


by javoire

Google Chrome extension that increases readability for people with dyslexia